Wednesday 31 August 2011

This is Music

Do you remember the 70’s cartoon on Banana Splits where the family where miniaturised? Well, I would like to drive their beach buggy into the back passage of Simon Cowell and then let the car return to normal size. Am I sadistic or have I got talent?
If I had two bullets I would shoot Simon Cowell twice. I bit extreme perhaps I don’t hate Simon Cowell personally as I have never met him. As a music fan I just hate what he stands for. Look at his crimes against music, this is the man that brought us Zig & Zag and took Robson & Jerome to number one Keeping Pulps “common people” of the top spot.
Call it music snobbery if you like I prefer musical taste, someone will point out that the millions who tune into his shows like the X factor, Americas got talent etc and vote can’t be wrong.
Millions of flies around a pile of shit are they wrong?
You see for me Music sound tracks your life. It can remind you of a place, person, Good times & Bad times. It’s something I believe in and at its best has integratory and spirit despite the greedy record companies, shows like the X factor toss it aside like a used condom.
So may I suggest next time one of these shows is on read a book, watch a film, have sex,look at the documentary on the other channel or even play some real music.

I may add a new page to celebrate my love of music and will post some tracks/albums you must own or listen to in my humble opinion

Saturday 20 August 2011

whats in

Been on Holidays and days out managed to catch "rise of the planet of the apes" well worth seeing, I like an inteligent blockbuster,Cowboys and Aliens next but expectations are a bit lower!
I have four weeks at home gonna write as much as possible will keep you updated on possible release dates and will soon post some stuff here.
thanks Laz

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Rise of the Chavs

my home town of London is burning 20 years of chav and pc culture to blame....

Monday 1 August 2011

The Seeker

I sent the dogs in first as it was no time for sentiment they were just trained animals to me and not pets as some of my colleagues treated them. They both flew of the leash in frenzy straight into the door well opposite and disappeared from view I heard a brief screech which cut to silence almost instantly this did not bode well for the poor canines.

The Seeker is a short story I am working on I may post more excerts here,but there is more of this over at six senences.